Inside the Box: Nancy Roberts



2 dice, each made of triangles approx. 3” x 3” x 3”

black stoneware, coloured porcelain, acrylic


My way of getting out of the box while using “four” was to look for a four-faced solid instead of the “box,” a cube, which is really six-faced. A four-faced geometric figure is a tetrahedron, meaning “four surfaces” in Greek. OK! So what about dice, but tetrahedral dice, not the usual six-faced cube dice? Then I made them more fun with irregular dots in many colours. 

Artist’s Bio 

Nancy Roberts has been working with clay since 2004, and gravitated to sculpture early on. She makes distinctive works for gallery showing. Sculptures have been shown as far afield as New York State, Philadelphia, and Florida. See a sampling of her work on the NS Potters Guild web site at