Inside the Box: Judy Gordon

Square paddled bud vase with apple tree leaf impressions

3”h x 2½”w     

Cone 6 Stoneware 



Looking out my studio window inspires me to bring trees and leaves into my work.  So, I did it literally by paddling the piece into a square, which seemed a perfect way to impress the four leaves into the clay and make it four sided simultaneously. Bud vases are such happy little pieces!

Bud vase with Greek Meander Stamp

4”h x 3 ¼” w​​​ 

Cone 6 Stoneware

Retail Price: $35

The Greek Meander stamp has various meanings – among them infinity and unity, eternal flow, the four cardinal points and the four seasons. Impressing it into a little bud vase (on four sides) gives it its character.



Pair of Meandering Scotch cups

Each 2”h x 2 ½”w​​

Cone 6 Stoneware


Scotch cups with the squared spiral of the Meander stamp further brings us together in the unity of sharing a wee dram of Scotch whiskey.  Could be there is an element of the eternal flow as well, with the incised lines from the bottom of the cups, joining the stamp above. Slainte Mhath!


Squared Scotch/Wine cup

3”h x 3”w ​​​

Cone 6 dark Stoneware


Simple piece with a simple shape, with a simple design – all squared – so square on square on square on square, and just enjoying the contrast of the dark stoneware and the blueish semi-matte glaze.


Artist’s Bio 

Judy Gordon first experienced clay in 1998. She has owned and operated Turn Around Pottery since 2002. She graduated from Carol Smeraldo's Mentorship Program at Atlantic Pottery Supplies & School. Judy worked at the Findlay Centre as a technician and Pottery Instructor, Atlantic Pottery Supplies & School and at Dragonfire Pottery & Supplies between 2005 and 2015. She has also led Rakuworkshops together with Carol  Smeraldo.

She has been heavily involved with the Nova Scotia Potters Guild since 2004 as Membership Coordinator. In 2012 Judy was elected Co-President of the Guild, together with Sharon Fiske.  During her association with the Guild she has been instrumental in coordinating numerous workshops by local and visiting artists such as Randy Brodnax, Joan Bruneau, Cathi Jefferson, Louise Pentz and Vincent Massey. She has also worked to present various Guild Exhibitions, including Shaping Space at the Mary E. Black Gallery in 2009 and New Works in Clay at the Craig Gallery in 2005, among others.

Judy works at her home studio in mid fire stoneware and in Raku. Her work is featured at Art 1274 Hollis Gallery in Halifax.