Exhibiting Member
Sharon Fiske
Sharon Fiske,
Halifax, Nova Scotia
My mother bought me my first pottery wheel when I was in grade 7. After art school and a very informative year of working in England I returned home to set up my very own production pottery studio in 1980. Travels and workshops with the theme of clay in mind have taken me to many countries in this world of ours. Each trip influencing and inspiring new ideas and thought. What an exciting artistic life lived. I have loved influencing and advising many an employee and clay enthusiast during the past 40 plus years. Now a days I make clay objects and sculptures for gallery shows and the odd project. Of course it is also for the thrill and excitement of the challenge and the feel of the clay!
A note about Sharon from the NSPG (and from another admirer)
Sharon has been one of the most dynamic life forces that the guild has had the great fortune of having at the helm. For many, many years Sharon has been guild president, energizing, guiding, and supporting ceramics within the guild and across Nova Scotia.
As Walter Ostrom CM says of Sharon, “Sharon is the guardian angel of pottery in Nova Scotia.” Truer words have never been said.
Thank you Sharon. Thank you for your energy, time, passion for pottery and all things clay related, and for your unending commitment to our guild. We love you!
Piece of Cake ! “ CELEBRATE ! “ Dimensions: 16 1/4” H x 10” W x 8 1/2” D
I am speaking as an ally to the LGBTQIA2S+ community. How wonderful is it to use the colours representing this community to make a layered cake for a show with “ Layers” as the title and the theme! A cake is often used to symbolize celebration. I made this slice of cake with the intent in mind that no matter who you are ~ what, where, when and why ~ celebrate being who you are! Make a wish and blow out the candle!
Cone 6 porcelain clay, coloured underglazes, clear glaze, glue, intentional related object.