Exhibiting Member
Jane Harrington
Jane Harrington
Habitant, Nova Scotia
I am a Habitant-based potter whose original studio was located in the 6' x 12' sun porch of my century old farmhouse. My current studio, the found-space second floor of the garage has a stimulating view of the Minas Basin and Annapolis Valley farmland.
Jane Harrington
Marbled Birdbath
17.5” x 18.5” x 13.5”
I earned a degree in Technical Theatre from Dalhousie University, and a diploma in Horticulture from Kwantlen University College in British Columbia. As a potter, I am mostly self taught and attend in person or virtual workshops as often as possible. This unconventional education path means that I approach design for each ceramic project as if it was for a theatre production or a garden. Using clay to define space and enable function the way a theatre production design or a garden design defines space and enables function. The result is an eclectic mix of styles when viewed together.
Much inspiration for shape and purpose comes from studying historical pottery forms. Common threads in my pots include texture, repeating patterns, using natural materials. Influences include my mother’s knitting and quilting patterns, celtic motifs, the ocean, plants and insects
Jane Harrington
Bird Feeder
8.5” x 8.5” x 8.25”
Jane Harrington
Water Jug
4.5” x 4.5” x 8.25”