AUTHOR: Chanaasdfwe
May 10th, 16th, 17th, and 30th At Main & Station, 168 Main St, Parrsboro, NS, B0M 1S0
INSTRUCTOR: Jessica Sallay-Carrington
In May 2015 I and a number of other NSPG members attended a sculpture workshop called Hollow Solids, given by Jessica Sallay Carrington from Montreal. It was hosted at a newish art space in Parrsboro in the old converted post office building called Main and Station Nonsuch Kickshaws. The workshop method explored creating a solid sculpture the first day, and cutting the piece into sections to hollow out the forms and then reassembling them again. The final day had us glazing the pieces and then they were displayed in a group show along with Jessica's pieces she made during her residency in Parrsboro. There was a definite bird theme to many of the creations with Jenn's Corporate Vulture, and Carol making a punk chicken and a sweet owl as well as a Guinea hen coming to life.NSPG members in attendance were Jenn Houghtaling, Nancy Roberts, and Carol Goodwin
The final weekend Jessica also taught a one day workshop called Epic Mugs, which uses sculptural additions and carvings on a hand built mug. A technique I enjoyed and started using in my own work.